7th Degree Midnight Blue Belt (Chil Dan)
Dan Bon 32700
Master Tsai is currently a 7th degree midnight blue belt with the Moo Duk Kwan and has trained in the Martial Arts for over 25 years.
Prior to attaining his masters belt, he was the United States Soo Bahk Do National lightweight sparring champion for 4 years in a row and won 1st place in the full contact continuous sparring division at the Battle of Baltimore.
Some of the many styles Master Tsai previously studied included Japanese Karate, Caeporia, Jiu-Jitsu, Tai-Chi, Wing Chun, and wrestling. He also regularly practices Astanga Yoga and enjoys break dancing in his free time.
Master Tsai also holds a Bachelor's of Science in Computer Engineering and a Masters Degree in Information Systems from the Johns Hopkins University. He telecommutes full time for DocuSign as a Technical Consultant.